June 2, 2008

The Wedding of the Year!

Finally! I now have time to talk about my BFF happy day. (Andrew beat me to the blog but he is more experienced...)

the Unconventional Wedding of the Year--Chris and Warren

The wedding was held outdoors at Warren's parents farm on May 24.

The Bride was radiant, the Groom handsome, the Maid of Honour a dude and the Best Man a woman. The Pastor was a she and the Son was already eleven (Nathaniel and Warren came as a package).

The ceremony was simple, sweet and short, with the exchange of rings not only between Chris and Warren but also with Nathaniel to symbolize the creation of a new family.

Dan, the Made of Honour, caught the garter. This was great because we had learned earlier in the week that he was engaged. There was a fight over the bouquet but then isn't there always?

The decorations were nerve wracking and hazardous to my health. Leaping from table to table was not a good idea considering that the ground was wet and the tables would sink....thanx Dan for the catch! And during the dance when the citronella lantern flames tried to lick the foliage, table jumping was again required to quell potential scorching.

Sandra did a great job of hair and makeup on Chris, who told me the next day that her hair hadn't moved all night, even after sleeping on it. Sandra, along with Steve, also helped to keep an eye on the liquor table and general precedings. Many thanks!

Sandra and I also cut a rug to ABBA, Boney M, Madonna and all the other old fogey music. The younger crowd were more amused with songs I had never heard of but everyone was happy and dancing. Oh yeah, Sandra and I did an impromptu karaoke to "Honey, Honey" which was not as embarrassing as I was led to believe.

The flower girl was adorable, especially later when she tried to do the "robot" at the dance.

An wonderful joyous day. A suggestion, however, to any of my friends contemplating taking the plunge: consider getting married on the beach in Mexico or Cuba or some such warm place. Less stress, more pina coladas!

Congrats all!!!!


Anonymous said...

As the aforementioned BFF and recent bride I have a couple of things to say:

First, thank you!!! Tiina, the narrative is wonderful. Yes, she really did put her life in jeopardy for the sole purpose of ensuring my day was beautifully adorned. Yes, we gender-swapped our entourage, but it just worked out that way by a marvelous twist of fate. I would have loved to have more attendants,(Tiina and Sandra) but we decided, being that the guest list was small, it would be wrong to have more people in the ceremony than watching it! And lastly, yes it was a WONDERFUL day!! Thanks in no small part to my dear, dear friends Tiina "they don't call her Diva for nothing" Foleyakous and Sandra Yee the best friend a cosmetologically challenged bride could have!!

All the above being said ...

Secondly, I TOTALLY agree with Tiina's comment about the beach. In fact I have told an engaged couple or two that very same thing. Avoid the stress, mess and hurt family feelings, and elope. ELOPE I say, run, as fast as you can. Only tell those you WANT there, and get hitched on a nice sunny beach with a surf-board riding pastor, and a Margarita in your hand.

tiina da diva said...

Thanks Ms Krywko. Was my pleasure to help. Maybe we should just go to Mexico anyway...Hey isn't Dan Getting married??