April 27, 2009


Well it has been awhile since I blogged but oh there is so much to talk about today:

Gilbert Bouchard is still missing. It is quite odd to be listening to the radio and to realize that you know the subject that the missing person bulletin. I hope he his found soon. He IS a great fellow and superb writer.

You know that cautionary tale your folks told you as a teenager? Who know the one: If you take drugs, even if it is only once, you will die! Well, this weekend a local teenage girl took ecstasy (supposedly for the first time) and dropped dead. Well, her death wasn't instantaneous (I will spare you the detailed moment by moment death countdown as released on the radio) but it did happen soon after she took the drugs. Her friend who also took the drugs (supposedly for the first time) was hospitalized and will recover. So mark where you were when this urban legend was born (again) or recreated (supposedly for the first time).

India has issued an advisory against travel to Canada because of the swine flu outbreak. Doesn't India still have the plague, at least according to Seinfeld? And Isreal doesn't like the moniker "swine flu" as Jews (and Muslims) do not eat pork. They prefer the term "Mexican flu" (as apparently they do ingest Mexicans. I'm kidding! The flu is not spread by eating pork or Mexicans). You know, there is a Monty Python joke in there some where...

Pontypool...a movie that A and I saw a while ago and I am now just getting around to reviewing. It was a quintenssential Canadian film and also a great horror story. Andrew gave a great review (with minor spoilers) here. How else to describe the flick? Very Canadian: zombies are created by being infected by the English language and are "saved" by speaking French. It is a bit more complex than that, and very suspenseful and funny (it seems oddly Canadian to inject such wry humour into dire situations). Go see it. Or Shut up or die.

And last but not least, the Calgary Comic Expo. This will have to wait till later as Castle is on.

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