June 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Andrew

Tuesday, April 17 was Andrew's birthday. We knew it was gonna be special because we spent the first 4 hours of it in the emergency ward.

On Monday, round 9 am Andrew tweaked his back. He described it as "fish hooks in his spine, radiating out to meet more fish hooks." He spent most of the day in bed, yelping out any time he moved. I asked him several times during the day, usually after he screamed, if he wanted to go to the hospital. Each time he said no.

So around midnight he decides that yes, the hospital would be a good idea. We were both in our pyjamas but without changing we "hopped" into the car and sped off to the Miz. (Sorry Andrew, about hitting those potholes...)

Andrew could barely stand and was wincing every 2 seconds but gentleman that he is gave up his position to a lady and her coughing baby. We were finally pre-admitted and the nurse asked his birthday (just one of a battery of questions) Andrew smiled painfully.

"Today, dammit."

"Well, happy birthday sir," replied the young nurse. "What do you think is the cause of your back pain?"

"Karma?" I was trying to be helpful and funny but I think I made matters worse as Andrew started to laugh and then cry out in pain.

Andrew was released around 4 am, after a shot of demerol. The attending doctor didn't know what caused it but didn't think it was a pinched nerve. If the pain persisted, Andrew should see his family doctor.

Wow. After 4 hours of sitting around not even a x-ray. Maybe they should have a drug dispensing station when you come into emergency to help those the hospital obviously doesn't think warrant any sort of investigation. Perhaps I should have kicked Andrew in the shins or back so as to create a spectacle to garner sympathy and more immediate attention.

Well, the rest of the day was uneventful. His agents from California sent him a rather nice bottle of wine and many people called to wish him happy birthday. My mom made him a banana cream pie and I, his loving wife, doted on him. I hope he doesn't get used to that sort of behaviour because it is exhausting.

So for my birthday, to top his, I am gonna have to lose a limb. Or become infected with some sort of radiation to become a superhero.

Chances are that I will just settle for cake.

Happy Birthday love o my life!

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