June 25, 2008

Random Thoughts....

Thought #1
While out grocery shopping with my dad, we came upon the heart healthy display for Becel margarine, touting that we should support the Red Dress thingy for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Dad looked at the signage and made the following remark:
If the food is gonna kill you, why do they sell it?

Thought #2
In regards to the group of American teenage girls who made a pact to get pregnant at the same time:
The media has been telling us for years that it takes a village to raise a child but no one considered the effects of being raised by the village idiots.

Thought #3
Just as the media was announcing that the police had made a breakthrough in the case of the West End arsonists, a firetruck pulled up in our alley to put out a fire that had been set in a camper truck 2 houses down. The irony on this one speaks for itself, randomly.

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