July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Everyone!!!

Well, today is Canada Day. I think she is 141 years old* today, just slightly older than me. Boy does she look good! No one uses the phrase Dominion Day anymore or call us the Dominion of Canada. Why is that? It sounds so much more dignified. I guess I am showing my age...which is...kissing 40**.

My birthday was on June 24. To celebrate, we did nothing. No trips to the hospital or doctor. I did make myself a chocolate cheesecake which was so evil and delectable no one would have guessed it was low fat (well, lower than if I had used the full fat phili cream cheese).

I also made an avatar of myself. See, she is in the margins. Too eerily close to my features without a lot of tweaking yet so much fun!! I can go shopping virtually without spending a penny, which delights Andrew.

It was a bittersweet birthday as my Aunt Ethel had passed away the day before. She had been in decline for several years and the last time I saw her I didn't recognize her at all. She was no longer the strong, sarcastic, caring matriarch I remembered from my youth, but a frail old woman who couldn't talk or feed herself. I am going to write a tribute to her and indeed the whole Ball family as they are all gone now.

*I dislike the modern use of the phrase "xx years young". We are not starting at 100 and getting younger, we start at zero and get older. I know that it is politically correct and an attempt to make you feel better about getting closer to death but if you want to feel better eat some cheesecake.

**Not 40 yet but close. Not happy about that.***


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