November 26, 2008

This sucks!!!

Yet another round of tooth fillings and filings and this time the doc really freezed my face. I can't feel my ears or throat. Attempts to eat my Oreo Cakesters results in most of it falling out of my mouth (oh so sexy). Andrew says that is the best way to eat Cakesters (he hates them). I want a cup of joe but I fear most of it will end up on my chin and sweater. Andrew also says that is the best way to enjoy coffee.

This on the heels of the super invasive ultrasound I had yesterday to see if my fibroids had grown or migrated. The conversation I had with Andrew after went something like this:

Me: Thanks for picking me up. Normally I would have walked home but I feel violated and not up to the trek.

Andrew (glancing at the clock on the dashnoard): Well, at least you were violated quickly.

Thanks love. Way to put it in perspective.

Crap!! Coffee everywhere!

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