December 8, 2008

Canada in Crisis!!!

When the Liberal/NDP coalition was announced last week, I feared that its mastermind was Liberal leader Stephane Dion and that he was showing his true colours. Afraid because it would mean that he was not the mild mannered bumbling fool that we had all come to derise but was more like Stalin-a seemingly innocuous civil servant with a taste for blood and a mind that would make Machieavelli proud.

However, in light of the way he has mishandled this attempt to take over the government (have you seen the response video? Did his dog Kyoto accidently press record on Dion's cell phone while he was sitting in the loo?) and todays half-hearted resigination attempt, I am relieved that he is not like Stalin but more like his left nipple. You know, a real tit. Or a boob. As this is still a democracy, it's your choice.

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