December 13, 2008

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Last Saturday afternoon Data and I walked over to Mom's to hang out with my nephews and nieces. Along the way, I slipped and fell on the ice. I didn't think much of it, except embarrassment (there were witnesses) and laughter (Did you fall on your tenders, auntie? asked Erik).

As the week progressed my back became increasingly sore. I thought it was just a weather change or I pulled it renovating the bathroom. By Wednesday it was really painful.

How painful? Well, it felt like something was compressing the base of my spine. Putting heat or cold compresses offered little relief. Sitting and walking were equally painful-I felt like an old person. It shouldn't take ten minutes to put on pullon boots.

On Thursday Andrew could not bear my suffering (I was fine with it, despite taking two Tylenol 3s with no effect) so he called my doctor for me. She prescribed an anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxant.

Well, now I feel nothing. From unable to move to jumping jacks. I know that it is the medication and I shouldn't push it. But I'm gonna. I gotta be me.

Another side effect? I feel very loopy and tired. Not much will get down while I'm on these pills. At least things have slowed down on the work front.

P.S. The legendary Betty Page died this past week. Her young self will be remembered although I am not sure much else will change as she was in hiding for the past thirty years.

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