November 11, 2010

The Most Incredible Invention Ever!

Forget the wheel or sliced bread; hands down (right now for me anyway) the reaching stick is the most incredible invention ever.

I bought one at the dollar store a year ago cause things would fall down cracks and crevices in the house and MacGyvered coathangers didn't work. It was useful but I didn't give it a second thought.

Post-op, however, it has been a sanity saver!!

I have been chafing under Iron Andrew's rule of "don't do stuff that could put you back in the hospital." This includes bending from the waist. Do you know how many times a day one needs to bend over to pick something up, especially if you have pets? Well, it's a lot. And Mr. Reaching Stick has saved the day (and my sanity!), not to mention not having to bother Andrew with every little thing. The illusion of being self-sufficient more than makes up for not being able to drink.

The everyday things in life that one does without a second thought become daunting, if not impossible, post-op. I can't lift more than 10 pounds or bend or stretch or twist excessively; getting in and out of bed is painful (although it has been getting less so); a four block walk yesterday tired me out and was slightly painful; my food and clothing options are limited; coughing or yawning or laughing is a little hazardous; well you get the idea.

Maybe those Logan Runners had it right if this is what old age is gonna be like.

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