October 28, 2008

Been a while...

...since I last posted. Much has happened. Lets see if I can sum up for my faithful readers (all two of you). Starting with the most recent:

• Right now I am recovering from root canal and renovating the main floor bathroom. I don't know which is more painful.

• Caught a lady loitering by the garage. I assume drug related as it was at 8pm and in the alley by the garage. While not unusual for this 'hood, it was bit startling.

• I helped Mom and Dad buy a new iMac at a bargain price. This was the deal of the month - a 20in, 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with upgraded memory for a retail cost of $1600 blown out at $900!!! Thank you London Drugs. It shore is pretty...and fast. Mom is already the queen of surfing - Dad might be a bit shy with this new system but he is catching up.

• Entertained the artist crowd from Cowtown (Fiona, Nick and Steve) as they were up for Pure Speculation. Had an unexpected visit from Cowboy because Andrew didn't want him sleeping in his pick-up after the Costume Shindig. The costumes for the Shindig were awesome (photos to come). The panels at Pure Spec were also very entertaining. Go Minister Faust!

• Bought some space-saving trinkets so I rearranged my office.

• Demolished the walls in the bathroom. Discovered that lathe and plaster is dusty and that I have knob and tube wiring. I need more money.

• Saw Bodyworlds at Telus World of Science. Not as creepy as some thought but I now have a new respect for surgeons. Bodies are very complicated. And lungs feel just like I thought they would - a Nerf football.

• Bought a new desktop so I rearranged my office.

• Dog-sat Neumann, my brother's very large hound. He didn't like the cats or Data or being here and kept me up for 2 days straight. On the other hand, there was no crime in the 'hood for 2 days as I am sure his size alone scared away most criminals, not to mention his incessant barking...

• Bought 2 filing cabinets so I rearranged my office.

• Met Trina Robbins and now I want to write/draw Ms. Fury comics. She signed a lot of the books I had of hers. She seems very nice and knowledgable.

• Entertained the in-laws for about a week and a half. Well, entertained is not a good word as they were up for Grandad's funeral. And there was a lice scare as Andrew's niece, just back from camp, had the critters and we all had to be "treated". Not a pretty sight, six adults bathed in olive oil and vinegar. Felt like a salad. I now know more about lice than I really should. Thanks internet!

• Andrew's Grandad died. I only knew him in his decline and I am sorry that I missed meeting him sooner, although I understand that Andrew gets his sense of humour from him. He will be missed.

• Bought a new monitor so I rearranged my office.

Well, thats is for now. I have to get back to work, although it would be nice if someone paid me once in a while (you know who you are!!). If I have missed anything, please let me know!

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