December 30, 2008

Happy Christmas!!

I hope that everyone had a great holiday. Andrew and I did. Data and the cats too. In fairness its hard for them to have a bad holiday as everyday is Christmas for them.

It has been rather cold but that doesn't stop Data from going outside every hour and rolling in the snow to cool down.

Work on the bathroom has stopped, for now. My brother George (who demanded that no one but he should plaster the walls) is vacationing with his inlaws in Canmore. The walls need another two coats (the walls are really wonky, even though it is all new drywall). On the upside all the tile has arrived and we are ready to proceed when the the walls are ready.

Anyway, to all my friends and family, both close and far flung, I wish you all the best this season and hope that the new year brings all sorts of good things.

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