June 2, 2011

Oh no! I forgot to blog!!!

In the excitement of the last month I forgot to blog regularly. Oh no! My one fan will not know what has not been happening in my so called life. (I am only blogging now to put off doing websites for as long as possible....)

Well, as you can see by the photo Dare is a graduate of doggie school level 2! He was very studious but is still having trouble with the "park it" command. But everything else from "stay" to "wait" to "heel" he has mastered. Woof Woof!

Well, I also got a new cell phone, not an iPhone (what, do I look like I am made of money?) but a lovely LG Flick--touch screen with email and web options and world wide access. This last part is gonna come in handy in August.

We also got a new car. Well, an old car. A 1998 Honda CRV, silver. It works. It goes forward, backward and stops just like a car is supposed to. And it doesn't complain at all. It has a large area for Dare to sit in and whine but not bother us directly (and thereby causing a car accident). We already drove it Calgary and it was a cheap and comfortable ride, with awesome podcasts cause the radio hooks up to an iPod. Wow, we are spoiled!!! Thanx mom and dad!

On June 17 we will be in Calgary for their Comic-Expo, along with William Shatner, but I am not taking responsibility for that one. It looks like a lot of fun but it is gonna be huge!

In August, I will be heading to Greece to chaperone my niece Cevyn (I will 'splain everything in a later post) for a bus tour and cruise. I am already brushing up on my greek (thanx Mango at the EPL). Can hardly wait!

I also signed up for the Sketchbook Project so if I can finish my sketchbook by January of next year it will be on permanent tour with them! My chosen theme is Time Travel. I can hardly wait!

Well, that sums up may for everyone. Will post more in June.

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